TIMELESS EXISTENCE …What has really ended? 2022, what has really begun? 2023… Not Really!

Time, does not exist.let me explain how. So by definition the complete rotation of earth is called a day. Meaning from one point of earth sun is visible at a certain angle and height amd when the earth’s rotation is complete the sun seems to be at the same place.

The Earth orbits around the sun from point A in 365+ Days back to point A is called a Year.

So the brain washing/programming is done to our brains is that when we stop seeing the Sun because of earth’s rotation, then the Sun is Setting, even though the Sun is always there, just invisoble to us hence lack of light makes that parts of the eartj darker and we are told to call this part of Earth Night. But the earth is rotating, and the human minds gets tricked into thinking let’s make thi easy for all of us. Let’s divide this in numbers by the position on the sky sun moves. Integrating it to the smallest to biggest portions and call it degrees, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months years, decades, centuries, millenia etc…

This is how time was created. But i really does not exist. What do exist is the fact that eart rotates and revolves, moon rotated and revolves. The rate at which it moves, rotates, revilves, from one mark to another is labeled as time.

And then people got so hung up on time that they completely forgot the revolution, rotation and repition part of things.

When you rotate, revolve and repeat any action, any task you become the universal truth of it and what people are made to believe and call it falsely The Mastery. In realty youbjabe become the Truth Icon of that reption. There is no such thing as Mastery. Ther is Only Repetitious Rotations, Revolutions and their Adjustments according to space we exist in our existences and others.

When you begin to know this your existence deems and rejects comparability, competitiveness, pleasing others, seeking others approvals. Others will start labeling you like they did to Sun, Earth, Moon, and you are the epitome of this Universal Truth.

You exits timelessly

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