I am stuck between loving and longing to be loved back my way. Everyone loves the way I love bit to be loved back is the challenge for the same.

Nothing I say or do or have done is able to put my point across. People are sp focused n what they can get from others. They forget others may want the same focus and attention for them as well.

Stuck between this is paralyzing and affects day to day tasks. One can’t be an highly empathic and try to look after oneself. For me ot has become a chronic challenge.

The internal heartaches and pains have manifested physically. The brain is at a crosswalk contemplating to cross the road while so many chances to cross and I am unable to take even one step. One step to freedom and unchanging myself from oppression says the mind and then immediately the thought vanishes with a questions what for and for whom and the answer million times says for yourself and the empath in me wants another empath to rescue me.

I await this empath hopelessly not allowing anyone to rescue me. People come and go and like an idol worshipped by many I sit still. Boxed with such feelings. No one can reach out to me. Yet they can worship me.

I am stone old frozen, solid stuck in my own body, the outward oppression for empaths are deadly.

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