I am so approachable that people go out of their way to express themselves.

People will start using “N” words while they are suppsoedly very civilized and white but not black or belonging to other race and bash other races and ethnicities. What makes them do that?

I belive it’d my very candid and approachable perosnna.

It bothers me. Because just because these people are nice to you, while they are talking bad about others so blatantly, they are being disrespectful to them.

These people may never have known me and it could be just first time I am meeting them. But they will become this expressive.

I can never understand where to put these people in my head. It’s a challenge for me. Are they racist? What made them specifically talk to me this way? Cursing swearing, talking crap about other religions, races, ethnicities?

Are they haters, how do I ward off this untoward peoples attraction towards me and their expressions.

What makes them just starting shooting. Off their mouths? This is not one isolated incident this is like 1000s of times.

I don’t have to say more than two sentences and they would start shooting off their mouths.

Anyways it scares me to see so much open hostility from strangers. Such expressive monologues.

If there is anyone who can let me know how to handle such energies do tell.

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